Virtual Herbaria XR - XR²C²
Artist Residency during summer 2023 at the Extended Reality Research and Creative Center XR²C² in Cannes, French Riviera.

Virtual Herbaria AR app designed for the French Riviera: Virtual Herbaria questions the way we visualize and utilize large data sets, archives, and libraries. With today’s technologies we have access to an infinite amount of online data, and years of archives and knowledge at our fingertips. Algorithms that can sort, search through, and identify hierarchy in that data are becoming extremely valuable because they are able to tell apart correct information from construct. We are putting our preconceived understanding of nature and technology under scrutiny and look together ahead at more sustainable futures. Virtual Herbaria revives the regional flora and spatializes the data through colorful three dimensional digital plants that will be digitally augmented all around the French Riviera. Turning the coast into an immersive experience of flourishing flowers that visitors can experience through their phone by downloading the app.

This is what a Herbarium looks like and the map of the different flowers that were 3D scanned and 3D modelled.

During the residency Folly Feast LAb developed an AR app and a VR Game.

Folly Feast Lab project - 2023 - Cannes - France.