Immersive video wall - A reconstruction of urban memories into a new streetscape
A Folly Feast Lab project.

Be.longing looks at 20 different residential neighborhoods in L.A. to tease out the particularities of their domestic front porches. The focus is on the story of Amal, a woman who is on a journey driving through L.A.’s neighborhoods in search of her own queer community. Stereotypical symbols of queer culture and their manifestation on the houses’ front porch.
The projected, immersive experience allows visitors to maintain social distancing guidelines by remaining in their cars and watching from inside. The “drive-by” portrays a filmic diary of sorts, viewed through the visitors’ own car windows as if they were themselves driving through the reconstructed queer neighborhoods.

Project as part of group exhibition for LA Forum - Every.Thing.Changes 2020 - Los Angeles. Work by Folly Feast Lab.