Baldwin Village Housing

Building and Landscape Studio - M.Arch.I at UCLA A.UD in 2nd year 413 Fall 2019

This studio focuses on the disciplinary issues, techniques & organizations of the urban landscape, the metropolitan field. That is the arena of interaction between those fabrics with infrastructures and networks as well as with public amenities and spaces. As a complex hybrid of landscape and building, the city will be used as the didactic and actual context for the investigation and invention of new models of, and analogs for, the role of the landscape and public open space in architecture, and vice versa. The concern is less with the architecture of the individual iconic building, which assumes the city as a deferential background, but rather with the architecture of the prototypical—the invention of new typologies (in this case, of urban living) whose potency lies not in their rarity, but in their capacity to be repeated.

Quarreled Projections by Nate Waddell 

Around the Courtyard by Tianyuan Fan

Students work by March I 2nd year - UCLA A.UD - 2019 - Los Angeles
Yara Feghali / 2024