AI Research Project - Study of the collaborative aspects that can be seen between designers and machine intelligence.

A series of resulting images as part of an ongoing study of the collaborative aspect that can be seen between designers and machine intelligence. This idea of a collaboration has often been explored by feminist philosophers like Donna Haraway; the feminist narrative tends to go against all sorts of hierarchy models and point out that we are part of a cyborg future in which we and the machines live in an extension to each other. Using machine learning as a partner, makes us question how do we make design decisions in the first place. Unlike the professional design tools, or the consumer level ones, machine intelligence lets designers explore a wider search-for-form space, while still having a say on how much of these decisions should be made by us. Selection, and choosing what is involved in making those decisions becomes more important.

Donna Haraway -
'I am making an argument for the cyborg as a fiction mapping our social and bodily reality and as an imaginative resource suggesting some very fruitful couplings.'
'Our machines are disturbingly lively, and we ourselves frighteningly inert.'

Research Study in collaboration with Viviane Komati - Los Angeles, 2018